Why a family film is the perfect Christmas Gift

I want to explain why I love making family films.

A girl plays with a cat in her home while her dad sits close by

It’s official, I’ve fallen in love with making family films.

Now, don’t get me wrong, my heart will always be with family photography, but it’s had to make a little bit of room for this new focus.

So, why film?

A family film can literally freeze time. It captures all those things that you are sure you will always remember but with the passing of time, can slip from our memories: your toddler’s little waddle as they totter around; the way your daughter’s nose wrinkles when she giggles; the little hands that only reach for yours for so long.

The interactions, daily activities, even mannerisms that we take for granted will never be lost if they are captured in film.

And it’s not just the people in the films; but the places they take place. Our homes, our gardens, even our allotments are all a part of our story, part of our family, particularly during these challenging times.

So what does a family film look like?

The most important thing is that your film will tell a story.

So it’s really important that I know what story we are going to be telling. Through a combination of a pre-session questionnaire and storyboarding phone call, I will plan the film before it even begins; choosing the music that will set the mood and tone.

And then I will spend 2-3 hours with you and your family in your home or on location. And with a combination of light direction from me and time together as a family for you, we will tell that story.

While families are separated by lockdowns and the Rule of 6, what better time to have a film made of your family preparing for Christmas. And it would make a perfect gift for those loved ones who can’t join you on the day.

Think decorating the Christmas tree, making mince pies, writing letters to Santa…and any other festive traditions that are important for your family.

And I know how emotive these films can be as I’ve made them for my family and every time my children love to watch them back as much as me. A shared experience of remembering.

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