Newborn Baby Photography in Cheltenham - questions I’m often asked…

The most common questions I’m asked as a newborn baby photographer in Cheltenham, are:

  • “what if my baby cries?”

  • “what if my baby is fussy?”

  • “what if my baby needs to feed?”

And my response is always very simple:

Babies cry, babies fuss, babies feed - that’s what they do and I’m not going to get in the way of that!

My sessions are baby-led so I work around them. And the best way to do that is for them to enjoy plenty of snuggly cuddles with you.

And just because they’re being held, doesn’t mean I can’t create beautiful, timeless portraits of your baby.

In fact, photographing them in your arms is one of my favourite things to do - because then baby feels happy and safe, and you get a photograph which really captures those early days of parenthood when your child is so tiny, they fit snugly into your arms. .

And I can still get those little detail shots: the tiny fingers, the little toes, the hand holding yours.


I remember so clearly how overwhelming it is in those early days of parenthood so please don’t worry about whether your baby has a little cry or needs a feed during your session. I’m a mum, I’ve been there, I know what it’s like.

And after three of my own, I’m pretty nifty at soothing a cranky baby!

So get in touch here and we can plan your newborn baby photo session in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire or The Cotswolds.