Summer Family Photo Sessions in Cheltenham and The Cotswolds

If you’re looking for a family photo shoot this summer in Cheltenham, then have a read and see how beautiful your photographs would look in the stunning background of The Cotswolds at sunset.


Summer Family photo shoots are my absolute favourite. And here’s why…

  • Holiday vibes

  • Summer flowers

  • Summer skies


Holiday Vibes

A summer photo shoot with me not only leaves you with beautiful, joyful photographs but also with proper holiday vibes!

  • The kids are excited to stay up a bit later in the evening;

  • we’re outside running around the gorgeous Cotswolds countryside, playing games;

  • the warmth of summer on your skin & smell of the wild flowers will trigger those magical memories forever.


Summer Flowers

After the gloom of winter and the promise of Spring, Summer is when Mother Nature really reveals her beauty. Daisies, wild flowers, cow parsley and the long grasses provide the perfect backdrop for your family photos.


Summer Skies

Summer time = gorgeous summer sunsets.

That golden light is just incredibly flattering and adds a sprinkling of magic to your photos. Especially when a stunning view of The Cotswolds meets the setting sun.


Of course, I can’t promise a golden sunset - although I always keep an eye on that all important weather forecast. But even without it, summer skies always deliver…


So take advantage of this beautiful season in the stunning location of Cheltenham and The Cotswolds. Get in touch to create the family photographs you’ve always wanted.