Is an Outdoor Sunset Photo Session right for me? ~Cheltenham family photographer~

Thinking about booking a family photo session at sunset in the beautiful Cotswolds but not sure what to expect?

Have a look at this gallery to see how I photographed this lovely family in Cheltenham on a summer’s evening last year.

On a hill in Cheltenham a mum holds her baby while a day throws his son in the air

why sunset?

GOLDEN LIGHT! Sunset gives the most beautiful, glowing, flattering light. I bet you’ve noticed it yourself - in the few hours before it gets dark, the light is just stunning.

And of course, a golden sunset is not guaranteed (unfortunately I can’t control the weather!) - we live in the UK, we’re going to get cloudy days. But even then, the sky can be absolutely incredible at that time of day, with dramatic moody clouds making such an interesting backdrop.

Just look this sky from our session looking over the beautiful town of Cheltenham in Gloucestershire - it was cloudy when we started and then suddenly the sun started streaming through the clouds - just beautiful.

What if my kids are too tired by then?

This is such a common concern and I totally understand - I’m a mum of 3 and I know that tired kids are not easy!

But I also know that I can put your mind at ease:

  • My photos are never about forced smiles or making kids perform on demand so you won’t hear ‘say cheese’ or ‘smile’ from me! I’ll do my very best to bring out those real, genuine smiles naturally;

  • 99% of the time, the children are so excited to stay up a bit later that the adrenaline carries them through;

  • I always make my sessions fun - games and exploring are a good distraction from feeling tired;

  • And if that doesn’t work, there’s nothing that a cuddle with mum or dad can’t solve. And cuddles are one of my favourite things to photograph so everyone’s a winner.

  • No two sessions are the same so I will always go with what works for your children and makes them feel comfortable and at ease. If they need fun and energy, then that’s what I’ll bring; if they need a softer, calmer approach then I can do that too!

  • And there are practical ways to help too: I’d always suggest a later nap (if your child still naps) and a nice big dinner beforehand; bring some drinks and snacks along so we can take a break and re-fuel; and bring their pyjamas so you can change them before you leave and hopefully have sleeping children by the time you get home!

I absolutely loved this summer sunset photo shoot with this lovely family, overlooking beautiful Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

We captured genuine moments of fun, family and love - and I hope they feel all that joy and connection whenever they look at their photos.

Why not get in touch here to find out more about your own sunset photo session

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